Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Visit to the Spa

Sadly, not for me, but for my laptop, which decided last night to cascade a series of ominous warning screens before going to the dreaded Black Screen of Death.

So the computer's headed over to the spa (aka the tech repair place) for a few days of recuperation.  Keep your fingers crossed for me that they can salvage some of the data on the hard drive, or it's going to be very hard for me to keep up my veneer of Southern propriety.

I may rip straight into my "Bless her heart, she curses like a sailor!" persona.  It ain't pretty, folks.  Cover your ears and shield the young 'uns...


Skye said...

"she curses like a sailor'... is my main persona ;) The sweet little lady is my alter ego that the sailor talker has pretty much fully corrupted to the dark side hehehe Hope your comp survives the operation ;)

KJ said...

Best of luck to you. I think I need to run a new back up.

Bobbie said...

Ok, Skye, the truth is that the sailor is really closer to the real me, too, but I just have to tamp it down so I don't horrify those around me (like my grown children).

And sadly, it looks like Mr. Gateway Computer is a goner. They're working to recover what they can from memory, but the darn thing was so old, the techs looked at it with the same wonder you'd imagine they'd reserve for pteradactyls, dodos, and other extinct creatures....