You may not believe this, but some people actually consider me a fairly bright individual. I mean, I've got lots o' degrees, a know to close my mouth if I look up when it's raining, I usually put my pants on before going outside. Why, then, am I so often surprised by the calendar and rapidly approaching deadlines?
Since I'm over my self-imposed challenge hiatus, and because I have the impulse control of a two-year-old when it comes to freeform, I jumped right in.
Today, I looked at the calendar and realized that the reveal is a week from tomorrow. A week from tomorrow, y'all!!!!
My impulse control is only outdone by my tendency to commit to big projects, which leads to one of those "eyes bigger than your stomach" conundrums. The project I've envisioned, the one I've got underway, may be bigger than the time I have left to do it.
Thank goodness it's a long weekend. The massive housecleaning I had planned (HAHAHAHA - snort!) will just have to wait. There are beads to be woven, folks!
Will she get it done? Will her house disappear under a tidal wave of dust bunnies and dirty laundry? This will, indeed, be an adventure. Stay tuned...