After a few thousand nights hours and hours of working at these table-eaters, I'm usually pleased with the results. But holy crap, they do suck up some hours.
And darned if I didn't do it again. Here's a peek at the latest project that's devouring my worktable.
Still not entirely sure what this will become. I have had several ideas along the way, but the ideas keep shifting and changing.
So it's back to step by step progress, do a little bit and then set it aside. The project has moved forward a bit beyond the stage in the photo, but I think it's time for it to sit and marinate for a while.
I'll keep you posted...
I couldn't help but laugh. Every small project I take on turns into a big project. It works for me most of the time.
Hi Bobbie,
I am sure whatever it turns out to be it will be gorgeous just like all your other creation. I am so happy I was present when the necklace you made with the tan glass disk sold. I love it when people say I want this and never bat an eye at the cost. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't she buy a few more of your pieces too?
Oh, I'm so glad to be following your posts again! Yes, I have projects that eat my bead table, and I've been known to buy trays to move those 'still in progress' ones to the side, so I can create more....yes, I know I need help. :)
ooh you have me wondering what you are up to with these ?! I have too many projects at once and my table looks like preschoolers have been rummaging through my beads! Considering I'm trying to get through multiple hops (again! man I need a blog hop diet) my table is a complete disaster at the moment.
Oooh, they look yummy, whatever they are destined to become.
Truthfully, I'm amazed at how effectively even relatively small projects can be at taking over my entire work table. I just don't seem to be able to work 'neat'. I sprawl and spread onto every available surface.
These are really neat!! I'm so curious as to what wonderful-ness they will become at your hands. Can't wait to see what that is! :)
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