Thursday, December 27, 2012

Trivial Pursuit and Pecan Pie

Taken before the presents were opened -
it's a lot emptier under the tree now!
Hope you're having a wonderful holiday week!  It's been a bit like Mom & Dad's Bed & Breakfast around here, and it's been great.  Good food, lots of laughter and stories, good natured games of Trivial Pursuit, lots of pecan pie, sleeping late...

No time with the beads, but that's on the docket for the weekend.  For now, I'm curled up on the sofa, tucked under a snuggly blanket, reveling in holiday laziness.  Merry Christmas!


KJ said...

Sounds perfect. Enjoy yourself.

Karen Williams said...

Merry Christmas to you to Bobbie! What a pretty tree! :)

AntiquityTravelers said...

you know I read this post, and thought I left a comment .... but with a house full of guests I seem to be easily distracted! Happy Holidays - and so glad to see you're enjoying them!